Ein tolles neues Feedback

Published On: 23.10.2017Categories: Allgemein, Unsere Escortdamen0,8 min read

Lieber Gentleman,

ich habe soeben ein unheimlich nettes Feedback von einem charmanten Gentleman bekommen, welches ich natürlich wie immer gern mit Ihnen teile 😉

Hello Marie-Sophie

What could I say about Stella that you do not hear before ? She is simply wonderful and owns one of the most beautiful body that I ve ever seen. Please give her my sincere thanks and apologizes for the small incident in the hotel reception.

But my feedback I want to make about you. After meet Luisa and Stella I am sure that you must be a really nice person, clever and with exquisite taste to find these women and that they work with you.

My sincere recognition, congratulations and thanks.

I wish you all the best in your life.

Best regards, Luis“

Vielen Dank Luis für diese unheimlich netten Worte, es hat mich sehr gefreut zu lesen, dass Sie so zufrieden mit uns waren 🙂


Herzlichst, Marie-Sophie